National Council on Pet Population seeking abstracts on behavioral issues of homeless animals

If you have conducted research into behavior issues of homeless animals, the National Council on Pet Population wants to hear from you.

The National Council on Pet Population and the Society of Animal Welfare Administrators (SAWA) have issued a call for abstracts for the National Council’s second annual research symposium.  

Potential presenters should have data from completed studies on behavior issues for shelter animals. According to the call for abstracts, “these issues could include behavior detection or modification, reasons for relinquishment, maintenance of behavioral health or any other behavior-related topics relating to homeless animals.”

Approved presentations will be presented at the National Council’s research symposium, which will be held in conjunction with the SAWA Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas, on Nov. 9, 2014.

The National Council consists of different animal-related organizations brought together to work on mutual goals regarding homeless pets. The basic purpose of the council is to gather and disseminate data on homeless pet populations and ultimately to reduce the numbers of homeless pets in the United States. 

Abstracts must be submitted before midnight Eastern Daylight Time on April 30, 2014. The call for abstracts can be found online here

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