Free online videos show you how to make forward booking work in your practice


Is your practice forward booking?

Forward booking simply means scheduling all patients’ future appointments directly following their current visit—before they leave the practice. This includes booking appointments for medical progress exams and for preventive healthcare exams.

Forward booking ensures your patients receive the highest quality care at the right time.

That’s why Partners for Healthy Pets (PHP) and Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE) have designed a suite of free, downloadable tools to help you implement forward booking in your practice. When you put all the pieces together, the result is healthier patients and a healthier practice.

Learn how to pick your moment

Train all staff members to have conversations with clients about forward booking with free training videos on when and how to have a conversation about forward booking with owners during an office visit. Topics include:

1. Greeting clients at the front desk

2. Staff huddles

3. Peer-to-peer support and tips

4. Doctor communication in the exam room

5. Checking out and client communications

6. End of exam and checking out

Don’t forget the swag!

After you check out the videos, PHP can help you remind staff and owners to forward book next appointments with forward-booking buttons (get up to 25 for free!) as well as free, downloadable posters to display prominently in your practice. They can be found on the PHP website under the “Forward Booking” tab.

Partners for Healthy Pets, an alliance of more than 100 veterinary associations, veterinary colleges, and animal health companies focused on preventive care, and led by AAHA and the American Veterinary Medical Association, is offering these free, downloadable tools to help your practice incorporate forward booking so you can fill your appointment schedule up to a year in advance.

Check out the site today and see how you can make forward booking work for you.

Photo credit: © iStock/diego cervo

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