Sonja Olson, DVM


Headshot of Sonja Olson, DVM

Sonja Olson, DVM, grew up in Maryland and graduated from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine with a focus on exotic animal and conservation medicine. She spent over 25 years practicing clinical small animal and exotic emergency medicine, while teaching and mentoring other veterinary professionals.

Currently based out of Vancouver, Washington, she is now a full-time Veterinary Wellness Educator for her own business, Heartstorming Wellness LLC. She supports veterinary associates’ flourishing and healthy culture creation for veterinary practice environments via podcasts, writing, speaking, and collaborating with other like-minded, veterinary wellbeing allies in problem-solving and strategy development. She is the author of Creating Well-being and Building Resilience in the Veterinary Profession: A Call to Life (2022).