From the Editor

A photo of Trends editor, Ben Williams, next to a print issue of August 2024 Trends

When I was a kid, our cats rarely—if ever—saw the vet. It wasn’t really on our radar that cats needed veterinary care. Fast-forward to now, and we know more about cats than ever before, but people still persist in the thinking that cats don’t need as much care as dogs. Or, at least it takes more work to get cats to the vet so many owners don’t think it is worth it. As the profession continues to try and educate cat owners, we will do our small part by presenting this month’s Cat Issue!

When I was a kid, our cats Jelly Beans and Frisbee rarely—if ever—saw the vet. It wasn’t really on our radar that cats needed veterinary care. They were not even spayed, because one time after Jell had been missing for a few days, we found her and a litter of mewing kittens in the bottom drawer of great-grandfather’s filing cabinet. We loved them dearly, but of course were doing them a disservice by not providing them with regular vet visits.

Fast-forward to now, and we know more about cats than ever before, but people still persist in the thinking that cats don’t need as much care as dogs. Or, at least it takes more work to get cats to the vet so many owners don’t think it is worth it. As the profession continues to try and educate cat owners, we will do our small part by presenting this month’s Cat Issue!

In this issue we have some great cat content, from Renee Rucinsky, DVM, DABVP (Feline), writing on some of the new or underutilized feline diagnostic procedures, to Jamie Rauscher, LVT, and her piece on making use of technicians to help your practice be more cat friendly. We also have a unique article on how to recycle cat trees, and our “5 Questions for a Specialist” column is all about that feline specialty.

This issue also features some very useful information from the brand new 2024 Fluid Therapy Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. Don’t miss it!

Nominate Your Employee of the Month

Don’t forget to head over to to nominate one of your co-workers for the Employee of the Month contest, and you could win $100 for yourself, and $400 for your nominee. There is no catch, it’s free to enter, and you get free money!

Coming Next Month

In September we’re looking at a very interesting lineup, with topics ranging from pain management, to social media misinformation antidotes, to emergency preparedness. We’ll also have a great feature on some of the volunteers working around the world on eliminating rabies.

As always, let me know what you think at [email protected].

Ben William's Signature

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