Take-home messages
Topics and methods discussed in these guidelines are not part of the traditional curriculum in many veterinary medical schools. These guidelines are based on the following key messages:
- Veterinarians must institute a culture of kindness in the practice and avoid using either forced restraint or punitive training or management methods.
- Veterinarians must be aware of the patient’s body language at all times, understanding that it conveys information about underlying physiological and mental states.
- Practitioners must educate staff and clients to recognize early indicators of behavioral problems.
- A standardized behavioral assessment should be a part of every examination and part of the patient’s permanent medical record.
- All staff must be familiar with basic behavioral management techniques and be proficient in applying them.
- Veterinarians must be committed to healthy brain development in puppies and kittens through proper nutrition and social exposure.
- The development of competencies in veterinary behavioral medicine, behavior management, and behavioral wellness is an opportunity for the practice, its clients, and especially, its patients.