Nutrition Prescription and Weight Loss Plan Generator

Reclaim your veterinary team's role as the expert and ultimate resource in pet nutrition. Complete the following form to create customized, printable tools for your patients!

This tool will allow you to:

  • Calculate your patient's individual nutrition requirements, based on weight and life stage.
  • Provide detailed food and treat recommendations, along with the option to include a URL to the manufacturer's website or the food on your practice's online pharmacy.
  • Generate a customized, branded nutrition prescription great for every patient-- adding value and information to your recommendation!
  • Have an overweight pet? No problem-- generate a custom 12-week weight loss plan for your team and your client to work together to get your patient to a healthier weight!

Cat Dog OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Overweight is defined as 10% above ideal body weight or >/= BCS 6/9. Yes No To generate a weight loss plan you must enter the pet’s species and current weight above. OR

Please select the species to see calculations.

Please enter the current weight to see calculations.

Please enter the ideal weight to see calculations.

Input: Body Weight (BW) = {{currentWeightKg}} kg

Formula: BW kg0.75 x 70 = RER

Resting Energy Requirement: {{currentWeightKg}}kg0.75 x 70 = {{restingEnergyRequirement}} kcals

Input: Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = {{idealWeightKg}} kg

Formula: IBW kg0.75 x 70 = RER

Resting Energy Requirement: {{idealWeightKg}}kg0.75 x 70 = {{restingEnergyRequirement}} kcals

Formula: RER x life stage factor = MER

Maintenance Energy Requirement: {{restingEnergyRequirement}} kcals x {{selectedLifeStageFactorRange}} = {{maintenanceEnergyRequirementRange}} kcals

{{maintenanceEnergyRequirementLow}} kcal
Display to pet owner
{{ maintenanceEnergyRequirementKcalsSelected }}kcal

Wet Dry Copy and paste the link to this food from your practice’s online store to order, or from the manufacturer’s website for more information on the diet.
+ Add Additional Food
Additional Food X Wet Dry Copy and paste the link to this food from your practice’s online store to order, or from the manufacturer’s website for more information on the diet.
Copy and paste the link to this treat from your practice’s online store to order, or from the manufacturer’s website for more information on the diet.
+ Add Additional Treat
Additional Treats X Copy and paste the link to this treat from your practice’s online store to order, or from the manufacturer’s website for more information on the diet.
Next ->
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{{petsName}}'s Nutrition Prescription

Generated for you by your veterinary team member in conjunction with the 2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats.


Today's Date: {{todaysDate.toLocaleDateString()}}
{{petsName}}'s Weight Today: {{currentWeight}} lbs
{{petsName}}'s Body Condition Score: {{bodyConditionScore}} on a scale of 1 to 9

Your Pet's Individual Nutrition Requirements

{{petsName}}'s Life Stage Factor: {{lifeStageFactorSelected ? lifeStageFactorSelected.text : '(Not Selected)'}}
{{petsName}}'s Resting Energy Requirement (RER): {{restingEnergyRequirement}} kcal/day
{{petsName}}'s Maintenance Energy Requirement (MER): {{maintenanceEnergyRequirementKcalsSelected}} kcal/day

Recommended Nutrition

Food: {{recFood}} ({{recFoodWetDry}})
Amount: {{recFoodAmount}} {{recFoodAmountUnits}}
Frequency: {{recFoodFreq}}
More about your pet's food online
Food: {{recFood2}} ({{recFoodWetDry2}})
Amount: {{recFoodAmount2}} {{recFoodAmountUnits2}}
Frequency: {{recFoodFreq2}}
More about your pet's food online

Recommended Treats

Treat: {{recTreat}}
Amount: {{recTreatAmount}}
Frequency: {{recTreatFreq}}
More about your pet's treat online
Treat: {{recTreat2}}
Amount: {{recTreatAmount2}}
Frequency: {{recTreatFreq2}}
More about your pet's treat online

Additional Nutrition Notes


Next Weigh-In

Date: {{reweighDate.toLocaleDateString()}}

{{petsName}}'s Veterinary Team Member

Name: {{vetName}}{{vetDesignation}}
Email: {{practiceEmail}}
Phone: {{practicePhone}}
Website: {{practiceWebsite}}
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{{petsName}}'s Weight Loss Plan

Generated for you by your veterinarian in conjunction with Nutrition Guidelines from the AAHA

Plan Start Date: {{planStartDate.toLocaleDateString()}}
Current Weight: {{currentWeight}} lbs
Goal Weight: {{idealWeight}} lbs
Next Weigh-In: {{reweighDate.toLocaleDateString()}}

Weekly weight loss goal: {{ species === 'Dog' ? '1-2%/week' : '0.5-2%/week'}} {{species === 'Dog' ? ((Math.round(currentWeight*.01*10)/10).toString() + '-' + (Math.round(currentWeight*.02*10)/10).toString()) : ((Math.round(currentWeight*.005*10)/10).toString() + '-' + (Math.round(currentWeight*.02*10)/10).toString())}} lbs/week
Total weight loss goal for first 12 weeks: {{species === 'Dog' ? ((Math.round(currentWeight*.01*12*10)/10).toString() + '-' + (Math.round(currentWeight*.02*12*10)/10).toString()) : ((Math.round(currentWeight*.005*12*10)/10).toString() + '-' + (Math.round(currentWeight*.02*12*10)/10).toString())}} lbs

Date Description Method {{planStartDate.toLocaleDateString()}} Created a nutritional and weight loss plan. Current weight/ideal weight/MCS/BCS. Physical exam {{getPlanStartPlusDays(3)}} Our technicians will reach out to see if you have any questions or have had any trouble getting {{petsName}} to adjust to the new food type and/or amount. Phone or email {{getPlanStartPlusDays(2*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(2)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(4*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(4)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(6*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(6)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(6*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(6)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(8*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(8)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(10*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(10)}} lbs Reweigh at home (w/telemedicine checkin) or in-office (w/ tech appointment) {{getPlanStartPlusDays(12*7)}} Reweigh: GOAL WEIGHT {{getGoalWeightRangeAfterWeeks(12)}} lbs Physical exam and Reweigh at veterinary practice, adjust plan for continued success (additional loss vs maintenance)


  • Celebrate!
  • If your pet is still losing weight once the ideal body weight is achieved, you and your veterinary team may want to increase your pet's caloric intake by 10% to change from weight loss to weight maintenance. Monitor every 2 weeks until stable body weight is achieved, then monitor monthly to make sure your pet's ideal body weight is being maintained, making adjustments if necessary. It may take several monthly recheck exams to determine your pet's appropriate maintenance energy requirements.
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Print Plan   Download PDF

Print Plan   Download PDF

These guidelines are supported by generous educational grants from Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., Purina® Pro Plan® Veterinary Diets, and Royal Canin®.
