

May 2024

In This Issue: Vet Med, We Have a Problem; Financial Health and Wellbeing; Are You Laser-Focused?; AI and PIMS; and more!

Cover of May 2024 Trends. Image of a rocket venting money with a worried cat inside.

From the Editor
Headshot of Ben Williams next to a photo of the May 2024 edition of Trends Magazine.

Culture and Wellbeing

Culture and Wellbeing

From the Editor

Most people are familiar with the famous line from the Apollo 13 mission, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” When there is a crisis, true professionals know how to respond. And vet med, like NASA, is filled with true professionals.

The Scoop-May 2024
Images of 3 highlighted veterinary news stories: Robert Lawrie, MRCVS, Students in the UMES preveterinary program, and Cornell Wildlife Health Center Receives $35M Endowment

Medical Records and Forms

Medical Records and Forms

The Scoop-May 2024

AAHA board member Robert Lawrie, MRCVS, weighs in on the advancements made possible by veterinary software and data capture. The AAHA Community asks how new vets can build confidence through online learning.  This month’s Scoop news headlines include: Penn Vet launches mRNA Research Initiative, Links Found Between Human, Canine Brain Tumors, VHMA Compensation and Benefits Survey Results Announced, Canine Respiratory Disease Cases Fall; and more!

5 Questions for a Radiology Specialist
Headshot of Jimmy Lattimer, DVM, MS, DACVR (Radiology and Radiation Oncology)

5 Questions for a Radiology Specialist

Radiology and Radiation Oncology specialist Jimmy Lattimer, DVM, MS, DACVR (Radiology and Radiation Oncology), answers the five questions.

Employee of the Month, May 2024
Andie Corcoran, Lead Veterinary Assistant at Pet Care Clinic—Kuna in Kuna, Idaho

Culture and People

Culture and People

Employee of the Month, May 2024

This month’s prize winner is Andie Corcoran, Lead Veterinary Assistant at Pet Care Clinic – Kuna, in Kuna, Idaho!

JAAHA Case Report of the Month
Photos of various gastric foreign bodies that have been removed from pets.



JAAHA Case Report of the Month

Sometimes gastric foreign bodies are too large or sharp to be removed via emesis, and too difficult to grasp using forceps in an endoscope. So, short of doing surgery, what can be done?

Vet Med, We Have a Problem
Illustration of a cat in a rocket that is venting money to show why fair compensation is critical.

Culture and People

Culture and People

Vet Med, We Have a Problem

According to AAHA’s research, one factor consistently comes up again and again in the conversation about staff turnover: fair compensation. It’s the top driver of attrition, and it’s also a key retention factor. This article offers expert tips for addressing the number one driver of turnover among veterinary professionals.

Financial Health, Mental Health
Illustration of a stressed woman at a table looking at her small paycheck. Her dog is next to her staring at his empty food bowl. Multiple

Culture and People

Culture and People

Financial Health, Mental Health

Many people worry about their financial health and those in the veterinary community are not immune to that concern. Unfortunately, a person’s financial worries can be a significant cause of stress and that stress can affect wellbeing.

Are You Laser Focused?
Two surgeons using a laser during surgery



Are You Laser Focused?

Is a surgical laser a valuable tool or an expensive toy? Many veterinarians are wondering the same thing. On one hand, the promise of less pain and inflammation, better hemostasis and potentially faster healing is appealing. On the other, it is reasonable to be skeptical of whether clients will opt for the increased surgical costs.

Applications of AI in Veterinary Practice
Futuristic rendition of AI in veterinary medicine. A diagnostic screen showing a cat and all of its medical information

Medical Records and Forms

Medical Records and Forms

Applications of AI in Veterinary Practice

AI has many applications, including being an aid for SOAP notes. This article also includes a short roundup from several different software companies who are doing interesting things: Shepherd, Instinct, VetSOAP, and PetDesk.

Igniting Epic Wins
Illustration of a nurse celebrating an epic win with her arm in the air.

Culture and Wellbeing

Culture and Wellbeing

Igniting Epic Wins

This article defines what an epic win is and how practices can foster it by asking three key questions. Those include enrolling staff in the practice’s vision and mission, creating psychological safety, and intrinsic motivation.

Senior Dogs, Super Moms, and Singular Service
Screenshots of Katie Berlin, DVM, and Julie Buzby, DVM, during their podcast episode. Image of senior dog laying in a dog bed wearing Buzby's toegrips.

Culture and Wellbeing

Culture and Wellbeing

Senior Dogs, Super Moms, and Singular Service

Julie Buzby, DVM, talks to Central Line about her life as a mom and homeschooler of eight kids, small business owner, and former practice owner.

In Practice-Assistance Dogs: Who’s Who?
Image of a handout on a clipboard next to a computer with a stethoscope on it



In Practice-Assistance Dogs: Who’s Who?

Do you know your working dogs? This handy chart from the 2021 AAHA Working, Assistance, and Therapy Dog Guidelines Toolkit shows some key differences between working dog types.

Download the PDF


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