Culture and Wellbeing

From the Editor

Headshot of Ben Williams next to a photo of the May 2024 edition of Trends Magazine.

Most people are familiar with the famous line from the Apollo 13 mission, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” When there is a crisis, true professionals know how to respond. And vet med, like NASA, is filled with true professionals.

Failure Is Not an Option

The US space program is full of great stories about problem solving. Most people are familiar with the famous line from the Apollo 13 mission, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” (In the 1995 film, Apollo 13, this was shortened to “Houston, we have a problem” because it sounded more dramatic.) The point is, when there is a crisis, true professionals know how to respond. And vet med, like NASA, is filled with true professionals.

I thought this month’s cover story, by AAHA’s award-winning copywriter Kristen Green Seymour, perfectly captured that spirit of crisis that I believe will eventually lead to an innovative and life-saving solution. In this case, of course, we are not talking about an exploding cryo-tank full of liquid oxygen. We’re talking about a livable wage for veterinary staff. Like many lingering problems in this profession, it is sticky and complicated, but I have faith that, in the end, we’ll find a way to make it work.

In a similar vein, our second feature is about the link between financial health and mental health. The article features interviews with financial experts and coaches, as well as tips on how to improve your financial literacy.

Nominate Your Employee of the Month

Do us all a favor and head over to to nominate one of your co-workers for the Employee of the Month contest, and you could win $100 for yourself and $400 for your nominee. The only catch? There is no catch; it’s free to enter, and you get free money!

Coming Next Month

June is our Pride Issue, and we’ll talk about building the team of the future, the value of having employees who speak a second language, and a look at what it means to be “professional” in this day and age.

As always, let me know what you think at [email protected].

Ben William's Signature

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