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When should I spay or neuter my pet?

As part of the battle against pet overpopulation, it used to be common practice to spay and neuter young pets as soon as it was safe to do so, and sterilization still is performed on shelter puppies and kittens. When it comes to privately-owned pets in secure homes, here are AAHA’s most recent recommendations.

Is a pocket pet right for me?

A furry little pet who loves to snuggle in your shirt pocket can be a great family addition. But, although rodents such as rats, mice, gerbils, and hamsters, as well as slightly larger guinea pigs, chinchillas, hedgehogs, and sugar gliders, may require less time and effort than a dog who expects daily walks, you should do your homework first.

Is a kidney transplant right for my pet?

Kidney failure is a leading cause of death in pet cats, with at least 30% of cats developing this devastating health condition as they age. Many treatment options exist, but they only manage clinical signs and slow disease progression, and are not a cure.

How can I safely walk my reactive dog?

You can walk your leash-reactive dog safely around your neighborhood, but she will need dedicated training and management. Many canines are sweet and happy pets at home, but when they step into unfamiliar territory with strange people and dogs, they bark, growl, snap, or quiver in fear, making a simple walk around the block into a scary, stressful situation.

Why Do Cats Knead?

Cat owners are likely familiar with their feline friend’s kneading behavior, or what many cat owners affectionately refer to as “making biscuits.” Similar to the way a baker pushes and pulls dough before baking, a kneading cat massages or repeatedly pushes their toes into a soft or cushioned surface, such as a plush blanket, fellow pet, or warm human lap.   

Is my pet overweight?

Obesity is a growing trend that—unfortunately—is sweeping through many species, cats and dogs included. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention surveys, the number of overweight pets has been growing as steadily as the number on the scale over the past decade. The most recent survey from 2022 classifies 59% of dogs and 61% of cats as overweight or obese, with one-third of pet owners believing their hefty pets are at an ideal weight.

How Can I Fix My Cat’s Behavior Problems?

Cats are mysterious creatures and understanding their behaviors can be a challenge. But, if your feline friend’s behaviors are frustrating, irksome, or downright dangerous, knowing the reason behind the action is key to effective management. Preserve the bond you share with your cat by learning to identify and manage common feline behavior problems.

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