VIDEO: Why fair compensation in veterinary medicine is crucial for team retention

In this video, we'll look at the findings of AAHA's 'Stay, Please' study, focusing on fair compensation in veterinary medicine. Discover actionable insights to enhance retention and reduce attrition in your practice. You can download and read the study at

Further reading

Following a formula for fair associate veterinarian compensation (NEWStat)

For technician retention, money matters (NEWStat)

Fair compensation: Step 1 on the journey to improved retention (NEWStat)

This article is part of our Stay, Please series, which focuses on providing resources (as identified in our Stay, Please retention study) to retain the 30% of all veterinary professionals considering leaving their clinical practice. Here at AAHA, we believe you were made for this work, and we’re committed to making clinical practice a sustainable career choice for every member of the team. 


Connor Dunwoodie is AAHA’s Senior Content Manager. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed, and topics discussed, in any NEWStat column or article are intended to inform, educate, or entertain, and do not represent an official position by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) or its Board of Directors. 

NEWStat Advancements & research Practice management Retention Study