Veterinarians love their alma maters

Ohio State University

The Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine (JAVMA) recently asked veterinarians to share why they loved the veterinary schools they attended so much. (One alumna is so devoted to her school that she owns almost everything that displays the former long-time symbol of the university, Chief Illiniwek. She also has two customized, single-action revolvers that bear the symbol.)

The reasons for alumni devotion vary. Some alumni believe the small size of the veterinary community generally creates closeness. Others feel that the length of time spent on campus (many alumni do both their undergraduate and graduate studies at the same school) builds bonds over years. Still others believe the deep connection comes from meeting others who shared the same childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian, and then together watched it materialize.

JAVMA asked its student chapters to submit essays and pictures of their students’ school spirit. To see if your school was selected to be one of the top 12 spotlighted by JAVMA, visit its online photo gallery.



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