Your input needed for short communication survey (plus, free online tools!)

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Research shows that pet owners are willing to make changes and embrace preventive healthcare visits if they know it will benefit their pets. But for pet owners to find value in the recommendations of veterinary professionals and be motivated by their advice, there must be effective communication between the healthcare team and pet owners.

Partners for Healthy Pets (PHP), an alliance of more than 100 veterinary associations, veterinary colleges, and animal health companies focused on preventive care and led by AAHA and the American Veterinary Medical Association, is offering these free, downloadable tools to help your team more effectively communicate the value of preventive care to pet owners.

How you can help

Jason Coe, DVM, PhD, is leading a research team at the Ontario Veterinary College that’s studying current practices surrounding the communication of healthcare information between companion-animal veterinarians and their clients.

Coe is asking for your practice team’s assistance by having them take this five-minute survey. Participating practices will receive a concise summary of the survey results, which will:

  1. Help practices build relationships with their clients by identifying information gaps between what they think clients want and what clients actually want to know about preventive care and the sharing of health information.
  2. Provide insight into what information clients find valuable when making decisions about preventive care and how clients prefer to receive this information to promote greater client engagement.
  3. Generate ideas for sharing health information with clients in a way that promotes client satisfaction.

Take the survey here and find out what clients really want. Then start communicating more effectively about preventive healthcare with these free, online tools from PHP.

Photo credit: © iStock/Melpmenem

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