Your patients' heartworm info needed

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The American Heartworm Society (AHS) needs your help.

They’re asking veterinarians across the US to submit data from their practices to be included in the 2019 AHS Heartworm Incidence Survey. Testing data from thousands of veterinary practices and shelters is used to create the detailed incident maps, which show the average number of heartworm-positive cases per reporting location.

The AHS incidence maps, which date back to 2001, are widely used by veterinarians, animal shelters, animal rescue organizations, and reporters to educate the pet-owning public about the threat of heartworm disease. The maps also provide vital insights for veterinary professionals about trends in heartworm incidence. They’re particularly important in providing information on the spread of heartworms into what were once considered “nonendemic” areas.

The maps are generated and updated every three years. The last AHS survey was done in 2016, and your hospital’s help in updating the maps is vital.

“Each veterinary practice that submits data on the number of animals tested and diagnosed over the 2019 calendar year enables AHS to create a more comprehensive and useful map,” says AHS President Chris Duke, DVM. “We urge every clinic and shelter—large or small—to take a few short minutes to submit their information.”

Surveys must be completed before February 29. Take the survey here. If you received a printed survey in the mail, you can fill that out instead (the completed survey can be scanned and emailed to the AHS).

The results, as well as the updated AHS map, will be available in April as part of Heartworm Awareness Month.

Photo content: © iStock/tolgart

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