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September 01, 2018

New study shows link between ticks and kidney disease

Tick encounters are increasingly hard to avoid. These adaptable parasites are responsible for spreading a variety of diseases throughout the United States, and their range is increasing. With autumn tick season fast approaching, it’s critical to stay alert to the risks and take steps to protect our pets and ourselves. That means regularly screening pets—whether symptomatic or seemingly healthy—to identify exposure to infected ticks.

August 28, 2018

The veterinary significance of emerging infectious diseases

J. Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM, provides insight into the emergence of infectious diseases and their impact on animals and humans. He reminds us that our ability to identify new viruses currently outpaces the ability to interpret the relevance of these discoveries.

August 14, 2018

DVM Management: Mid-year tax checkup

In this edition of the monthly update, DVM Management discusses some mid-year tax planning strategies, including: checking your payroll withholding, tips on the pass-through business deduction, small business tips, offers in compromise steps

July 31, 2018

Double Defense: Protecting dogs against heartworms

It’s time to fight both parasites involved in the heartworm lifecycle—and that means fighting the vector as well as the disease.It’s time to hold the mosquito accountable for the transmission of heartworm disease. It’s time for Double Defense.

May 29, 2018

Guidelines to help you practice the best medicine. And free, online tools to help you put them in place

Preventive healthcare guidelines are essential to provide the highest quality of care for your patients. These free tools can help you implement them.Partners for Healthy Pets (PHP), an alliance of more than 100 veterinary associations, veterinary colleges, and animal health companies focused on preventive care, and led by AAHA and the American Veterinary Medical Association, is offering these free, downloadable tools to help you motivate and align the entire practice team around implementation of preventive healthcare guidelines.

May 22, 2018

Fading kitten syndrome is real. Not all born alive will live

There is now a scientific explanation for kittens born alive, but don’t live long. Dr. Eric Barchas says it is fading kitten syndrome. He explains, a staggering proportion of kittens succumb to fading kitten syndrome before they reach nine weeks of age. Fifteen percent to twenty-seven percent die before nine weeks of age even in well-managed catteries.

May 15, 2018

These guidelines ensure that your practice provides the highest quality of care. Free online tools will help you implement them correctly

Developed jointly by AAHA and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), these preventive healthcare guidelines provide information for the practice team on preventive healthcare for feline and canine patients.The one-page, double-sided guidelines are easy to download and can be used as a template for creating your practice’s own customized guidelines. Already have guidelines in place? Then use these tools to do a side-by-side comparison and see how your guidelines stack up.

April 03, 2018

Forward booking works. Here’s proof

Is your practice forward booking? Forward booking simply means scheduling all patients’ future appointments directly following their current visit—before they leave the practice. This includes booking appointments for medical progress exams and for preventive healthcare exams.

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