Search Results for “surgery”

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June 19, 2014

Nova Scotia veterinarians vote against motion to ban declawing

A June 18 vote within the Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association that could have paved the way for the banning of cat declawing in that region failed to gain enough support. According to CBC News, Nova Scotia would have become the first jurisdiction in North America to outlaw the procedure if the ban had been instituted.

July 20, 2015

CDC warns about backyard chickens and salmonella

As of June 29, 40 states have reported a total of 181 people who have been infected with strains of salmonella, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The outbreak is from chicks, ducklings, and other live poultry. As a result, on July 1, the CDC issued guidelines for backyard flock owners.

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