Search Results for “surgery”

Showing 31-40 of 71

March 03, 2014

Anticipation building for record-breaking AAHA Nashville 2014

The program for AAHA’s yearly conference, scheduled for March 20-23 in Nashville, Tenn., is packed with fascinating speakers, entertaining events, and unique educational opportunities. NEWStat decided to ask AAHA staff members to discuss conference highlights they are eagerly anticipating, and here's what they had to say.

September 09, 2022

Culture runs deep at New Orleans AAHA-award finalist

When Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans exactly 16 years to the day since Hurricane Katrina, the team at MedVet New Orleans jumped into action. Just over a year later, they are a finalist for the 2022 AAHA-Accredited Practice of the Year award.

September 03, 2018

How much is that doggie in the window? Way more than most people think

As a veterinary professional, you’ve probably got a better handle than most on the cost of owning a dog. Because it turns out that most Americans don’t have a clue. According to a new survey of 1,500 US adults by the dog-walking app Rover, most people think that getting a dog is going to cost them between $26 and $75 a month. Not hardly.

December 06, 2017

Finally: Hope for FIP

A new clinical trial has led to a stunning breakthrough in the treatment of feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a lethal feline viral disease that has historically been considered untreatable.FIP is almost always fatal.

April 03, 2012

Program encourages sharing of hospital data

By Jan Thomas A new program is encouraging hospitals to share data and performance results in order to improve their business management. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) provided new details about its peer-to-peer business group pilot program during the March AAHA Yearly Conference in Denver, Colo. The conference session, titled Do You Run Your Business as Well as You Practice Medicine?, provided information about the new program, which will encourage non-competing hospitals to share data among themselves. Created in partnership with the North American Business Association Groups (NABA), the peer-to-peer program encourages geographically diverse, non-competing hospitals to share financial data, performance results and best practices, mirroring an approach NABA members have used since the association was founded in 2003.   "Our goal is to have 4-5 groups in the pilot program," said NABA board member and co-founder Bo Williamson, DVM. "Ideally, each group would have about 10 hospitals, with each hospital represented by an owner and hospital manager." One of NABA’s long-term members would facilitate each pilot group until new members felt comfortable managing the process on their own.

April 09, 2020

Weekly News Roundup 4/3 to 4/9

This week: More veterinary colleges go online, glimmers of hope on the COVID-19 vaccine front, and pet fostering gets popular as people stay home

February 17, 2021

Weekly News Roundup 2/12 to 2/18

This week: A bigger, better dog genome, a Boston hospital uses buttons to help a cat heal, and dogs know when you’re watching them play.

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