Smooth Move: 7 Ways to Make Moving Easier for Your Pet

Owners Holding Cats in room of moving boxes

Moving can be incredibly stressful for pet owners and their furry companions. The upheaval of losing familiar surroundings, routines, and scents can unsettle pets and cause anxiety and behavioral changes. As your pet’s advocate, taking proactive steps to minimize the stress of moving and ensuring your four-legged friend feels safe and secure is crucial. Here are strategies and practical tips you can use to make the moving process as smooth as possible for your pet.

#1: Preparation is key to a smooth move for your pet

When planning a move, begin preparations well in advance to alleviate last-minute stressors that can cause you and your pet anxiety. To ensure nothing is overlooked, create a checklist of tasks and deadlines that includes:

  • Identification update — Update your pet’s identification tags with your current phone number and backup contact information to ensure you can always be reached if your furry friend goes missing during the move. Don’t forget to also update your pet’s microchip registration information and any relevant accounts, such as with your veterinarian, with your new address and contact details.
  • Veterinary visit — Schedule a visit to your veterinarian for a health check-up and any necessary vaccinations, and to obtain a health certificate or any medications your pet may need during the move.

#2: Familiarize your pet with travel

If your pet is not accustomed to traveling in a carrier or crate, minimize their stress by gradually introducing them weeks before the move. Place familiar bedding and toys inside to make the carrier comfortable and inviting, and reward your pet with treats for exploring the carrier.

Leading up to the move, take your pet on short car rides to acclimate them to the sensation of a moving vehicle. Start with brief trips and gradually increase the duration to build their comfort and confidence.

If your pet becomes nauseous or overly anxious during the drive, prescription medication can help alleviate their distress, so discuss any issues with your veterinarian before your move.

#3: Maintain a routine for your pet

Pets thrive on consistency, and deviations from their normal routine can generate stress and anxiety. Amid the chaos of packing and preparations, try to maintain your pet's regular feeding, walking, and playtime schedule. Predictability provides a sense of security when times change.

Additionally, designate a quiet, comfortable retreat in your current home for your pet to escape during the hustle and bustle of moving. Ensure they have access to their favorite toys, blankets, and familiar scents to help them feel secure.

#4: Plan for safe transportation for your pet

Whether traveling by car, plane, or other means, prioritize your pet's safety by securing them in a well-ventilated carrier or crate. Never leave them unrestrained in your vehicle to prevent injury should you stop suddenly or be involved in an accident.

Before the big move, pack a travel kit that contains your pet’s favorite toys, blankets, and bedding to provide comfort and familiarity during the journey. Include long-lasting treats and food puzzles to help keep your pet’s mind occupied.

#5: Set up accommodations at your new home for your pet

Introduce your pet to their new home and new surroundings gradually. Start by confining them to one room or area equipped with their familiar belongings to ease the transition.

After your furry friend has had a chance to settle in and learn where their resources are located, allow them to explore their new environment, under your supervision, ensuring all doors and windows are secure to prevent escape. Block access to areas where your pet may become trapped, injured, or frightened, and ensure they can’t get into mischief or escape while you unpack.

#6: Be patient and reassure your pet

Be prepared for changes in your pet's behavior during the transition period, including increased clinginess, hiding, or decreased appetite. Be patient, understanding, and reassuring as they adjust to their new surroundings. Spend extra quality time with your pet and engage in activities they enjoy to help them get settled.

#7: Establish new routines gradually for your pet

Once in your new home, establish a new daily routine that aligns with your pet's needs and your schedule. Consistency and predictability give pets a sense of stability and security during all the changes, so strive for gradual adjustments instead of an abrupt switch.

Moving with your pet requires careful planning, patience, and empathy to ensure their well-being and comfort. By incorporating the strategies in this guide, you can minimize the stress of moving and help your four-legged friend adjust smoothly to their new surroundings. With your love and support, your pet will feel safe, secure, and comfortable in their new home.

If your pet struggles with motion sickness or anxiety during car rides, or often becomes stressed in new surroundings, contact your AAHA-accredited veterinarian for assistance in making a smooth move.