We would love to have you write for us! We’re expanding our pet-owner content and we need submissions!

Answer an Ask AAHA question.

Ask AAHA is a public section of aaha.org where anyone can view common questions and answers about pet ownership. We’re seeking veterinary professionals and team members to help us answer pet-owners’ common questions.

Read Ask AAHA to familiarize yourself with the style. It’s often inappropriate to give a specific answer, so when you submit your answer, keep it general and suggest follow-ups with a veterinarian when more information is needed.

If your answer is accepted, we will contact you. All submissions will be edited for AAHA style, but you will get final approval on edits to your own work.

Does AAHA pay for pet-owner content submissions?

We do not pay for these submissions, however, we will include a byline as well as a short bio with your practice or school, and a photo. AAHA’s marketing team will publish and promote these posts, which means free publicity!

We encourage you to share with clients and tag AAHA on your own social media.

Ask AAHA questions to be answered

Select a question from the list below, and email us your submission. Or email [email protected] your own Q&A!

Write your answer as if you were speaking to a general pet-owner audience, not veterinary professionals.

Maximum word count: 500 words