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JAAHA 57.2 Abstracts

Abstracts from issue 57.2 of JAAHA, Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association .

Notebook: April 2021

News briefs from across the industry and beyond. This month’s articles include: CAPC issues appointment guidelines, Cryptosporidium study on gut cells, first-ever stem cell treatment on a nonhuman primate a success, Jesse Brandon named president of LVMA, Fort Drum drive-through clinics, NAIC developing pet insurance model law, mummified Yukon wolf pup, survey on barriers to veterinary care, and rapid language learning in dogs.

Notebook: July 2021

News briefs from across the industry and beyond. This month’s articles include: Vet med applicant pool data shows changes, testing a new use for shockwave therapy, parasite vaccine inventor honored, new student AVMA president, bias in veterinary school admission processes, FDA dashboards, new treatment for feline kidney disease, and first veterinary 3D laparoscopic adrenalectomy.

Stem Cells in Veterinary Medicine

As pet owners become more interested in advanced treatment options for their pets, they may look to their veterinary team for guidance on the use of stem cells to treat various diseases and injuries. IIn this article we review what is known about stem cells, how they are being used, and how to set reasonable expectations for pet owners.

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