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Discharge Instructions



To [PET NAME]’s caregivers,

You’re doing a great job caring for [PET NAME]. Your veterinary team at [HOSPITAL NAME] will continue to support you as you manage [HIS/HER] health.

Dr. [VETERINARIAN NAME] wanted to share this important information with you concerning [PET NAME]’s visit today.


[PET NAME] did well under anesthesia.

  • Since anesthesia can decrease tear production, an ointment was placed in [HIS/HER] eyes to protect them while [HE/SHE] was asleep. This oily residue will dissipate over the next few days.
  • Because of the anesthesia, [HE/SHE] may be sleepy and wobbly for the next 1-2 hours. However, some pets have the opposite reaction and seem more agitated or whiny.

An IV catheter was placed to administer IV fluids, anesthesia, and other medications.

  • The fur was shaved. Please call us if you notice [HE/SHE] is licking the area excessively or if the area becomes red or irritated.
  • Remove the bandage where the catheter was in 1 hour.

Food and Water

Feeding Instructions:

  • Feed [PET NAME] [HIS/HER] usual food in 1-2 hours.
  • To avoid nausea, do not offer food immediately upon arriving home. Feed about half the usual amount after arriving home if [HE/SHE] seems hungry.
  • Some pets have a decreased appetite for 1-2 days following surgery.

Water Restrictions:

  • To avoid nausea, offer water in small amounts, every 1-2 hours until [PET NAME] is no longer thirsty. Then you can leave the bowl full as usual.


  • [PET NAME] can return to [HIS/HER] regular activity starting .


No medications are needed at this time.

Home Care

  • [PET NAME] can return to [HIS/HER] normal routine.

Seek immediate veterinary care if [PET NAME]...

  • The incision has signs of redness, swelling, or discharge, or if any sutures are missing.
  • Seems agitated or uncomfortable for more than 2 hours.
  • Has difficulty breathing.
  • Begins squinting [HIS/HER] eyes for more than 1 hour at a time.
  • Develops any wounds on [HIS/HER] body.
  • Refuses to eat or drink for more than 12 hours.
  • Does not defecate for more than 48 hours.
  • Has diarrhea for more than 12 hours.
  • Vomits more than three times in 12 hours.
  • Begins bumping into objects.
  • Has difficulty walking or jumping.
  • The bandage has a foul smell.

If we are not available and you need help, please contact [ER HOSPITAL] at [ER HOSPITAL NUMBER].

Thank you

We appreciate your dedication to [PET NAME] and we’re honored to be with you on this journey.

[PET NAME] is a lovely patient. [PET NAME] has many fans here at the hospital! Thank you for trusting us with [HIS/HER] care.

Please call our hospital at [HOSPITAL PHONE NUMBER] with any questions or concerns.

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These guidelines are supported by generous educational grants from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Midmark, and Zoetis Petcare.