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Why staff retention deserves your attention in the New Year

AAHA surveyed nearly 15,000 veterinary professionals and learned that 30% plan to leave their current job within the coming year. What might make them want to stay? It starts with the right goals.

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How Do We Keep Good People in Clinical Practice?

New insights from an AAHA survey into why people in vet med leave, and what could make them want to stay.


Recent articles

  • June 5, 2011

    Primal Pet Foods recall

    Primal Pet Foods has initiated a voluntary recall of their Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula due to possible Salmonella contamination, the FDA reports.
  • May 29, 2011

    Dogs drink like cats

    A new study from Harvard University shows that dogs drink the same way as cats do, using "adhesion of liquid to the tongue tip."
  • May 29, 2011

    Cats and dogs: Of parasites and viruses

      A pair of unrelated studies sheds some light on a parasite spread by cats, and a canine virus that could help understand the human virus hepatitis C. Researchers at the University of Illinois studied the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii within a large park in central Illinois. T. gondii reproduces only in cats, but it is the cause of toxoplasmosis, which can have serious or deadly effects on other mammals including humans, most notably the fetuses of pregnant women. Using several detection methods, the scientists found dozens of feral cats in the area, and trapped 18 of them. They found that one-third of the cats were infected with T. gondii, and large numbers of other wild animals in the park that were tested also carried the parasite.
  • May 29, 2011

    Recent headlines from Trends Today

    Don’t miss out on the timely and informative stories on Trends Today. Some recent stories that have appeared are: Crack the code – the QR code that is Nevada considers drug recycling FDA recalls treats, issues warning about shampoo Check out the Tip of the Day!
  • May 22, 2011

    FDA announces recalls, shampoo alert

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the recall of several different types of pig ear products, and has also issued a warning about a type of pet shampoo that may have led to a womans death.
  • May 22, 2011

    Nevada considers drug recycling

    The Nevada state Senate is considering a bill that would allow veterinarians and veterinary care facilities to accept open and unopened prescription medication and re-issue them to clients who cant afford them.
  • May 15, 2011

    Compassion in the face of destruction

    Dr. Timothy Hammond knows a bit about luck. Because if the tornado that swept through Tuscaloosa, Ala., and other areas of the south on April 27 had been even a block closer, Hammond’s Tuscaloosa veterinary clinic would be gone. "We would have been a pile of rubble," he said. Instead, Hammond’s Alberta Veterinary Clinic suffered roof damage from fallen trees and loss of power and water. It was a small casualty compared to the havoc the deadly tornado wreaked on the rest of the city and the region. An estimated 41 people from Tuscaloosa alone are dead. Thousands are homeless. "It’s amazing to me we don’t have 1,000 people dead," Hammond said. "When you drive through this stuff every day… it just turns my stomach. It ripped the guts out of this town. It will be years rebuilding this mess."
  • May 15, 2011

    TX, AR, see record rabies cases

    Rabid animals are on the rise in Arkansas and Texas, according to local news sources.
  • May 15, 2011

    AAHA endorses Feline Friendly Handling Guidelines

    The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has endorsed a new set of guidelines for handling cats in a feline-friendly manner.
  • May 8, 2011

    Mo. adopts new laws to clarify Prop B

    Missouri’s controversial anti-puppy mill law, "Proposition B," has been altered by two state senate bills signed into law last week.