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July 18, 2022

Study: People transmit viruses to animals more often than previously thought

When reports of pets catching SARS-C0V-2 from their owners first surfaced early in the pandemic, there were widespread fears that it could lead to rampant transmission of the virus from animals back to people. Now a recent study found that humans might give viruses back to animals far more often than previously thought.

July 28, 2022

Don’t believe those cat memes

Most cat memes are predicated on the idea that cats are aloof, impersonal, and--frequently--just plain jerks.

AAHA's Working Dog Guidelines Work for You

What’s the difference between working, assistance, and therapy dogs? Not all working dogs’ jobs are the same—and they often undergo extensive training to meet the rigorous physical and psychological demands placed upon them.

June 03, 2015

Analysis of elite pet skeletons paints traumatic picture

June is National Pet Adoption Month. And while a new home can be traumatic for a pet, compared with ancient Egypt, well, we’ve come a long way, baby. A new study published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology on March 24 revealed the physical violence inflicted on wild animals captured by the elite and used as pets.

November 21, 2010

Study looks at risk of landscape edging for the first time

Injuries in children due to metal landscape edging (metal strips half-buried in the ground to edge lawns) have been previously documented. A 2001 study showed that over a two-year period, 126 children were admitted to the Children’s Hospital in Denver for lacerations caused by metal lawn edging, mostly to the feet and knees. But what about the risk to pets? The danger of metal landscape edging to animals has not been documented until now. A new study shows that the sharp-edged landscaping tool also poses a risk of injury to dogs. Amanda Duffy, DVM, DACVECC, led the study while at Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH). Her team looked at the frequency and severity of limb injuries in dogs resulting from contact with metal edging. Over a 10 year period, the VTH admitted 60 dogs that fit the conditions for the study. These 60 dogs accounted for nearly one-third of all paw injuries at the VTH’s emergency service, according to the study.

May 25, 2015

Rare heart surgery saves cat

The patient was small: a one-year-old female Burmese cat named Vanilla Bean. The diagnosis was big: a rare congenital heart defect found in children. The solution was unusual: a human cardiology team who guided the veterinary surgeon through a delicate surgery rarely performed on cats due to their size. The University of California at Davis (UC Davis) announced the success of the surgery on May 14.

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